Wednesday, September 21, 2011

At the hotel day of surgery...

We arrived at the hotel and Mark checked us inWe stayed at the C'mon Inn because they have recliners in the room. This was a suggestion from the doctors that would make sleeping a little more easy. I had to have my headed elevated for 1-2 weeks. The girls at the hotel were just coming out of our room when we were walking down the hall. They were stocking our room with more blankets, pillows and tea. They also turned on the heater as the room was a little chilly. Great staff.

Mark parked me into the recliner with pillows all tucked around me and a blanket over me and he went out to bring in all of our bags. After that he made a trip back to Wal Mart to pick up the remaining scrip and a few items to stock in the fridge. I was wanting some yogurt. When he left I fell back to sleep. Mark came back and we ate a little and I decide to check out my new additions.

I unfastened the front of the bra. They are riding very high in my chest, as expected and they are kind of square looking. They are super rock firm. All of these things are what I had read online so I was okay. I think that they look great. The indentation from the lumpectomy has been pushed out from the mass of the implant and so all that you can really see there is a straight line scar. Really no dimpling. I am so pleased with that. It is hard to tell right now about the size because they are so swollen and they will drop out of the upper chest to where they are supposed to be. After 2 months I will pretty much be able to tell my ending bra size. Until then I have to wear this sports bra day and night for 2 months. That's okay because the pressure I think would be horrible without it. The bra holds them in and close to my chest.

So Mark and I just pretty much layed around for the entire day. I had him write down all of the meds that I had and what times they were to be taken so we wouldn't lose track. There were a few. Dr. Hardy also has me taking Bromelein, a pineapple extract which reduces inflamation and Montana Arnica which reduces bruising and the bleeding to a minimum. I like that he chose these two natural things for healing. I took lots of naps, I was in and out all day. They just wanted me to rest and do nothing. So....nothing I did.

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