Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 4 Post op

It is Thursday. Day 4 after surgery. I have read a lot of information about this procedure and how the recovery would progress. I feel that I am way behind in the recovery process comparatively. I figure that it is due to the cancer and radiation that was in my left breast. That is the side that is taking longer to feel better. I have a lot more mobility on my right side. Especially like the movement of my arms and the swelling in the arm pit area. I took a picture of the progress from the 2nd day post op and then today, day 4. I was pleasantly surprised how the implants are moving down and that the swelling really is going down. Funny I can't just notice that but a picture tells it all. They are now not as square looking on top. Girls had described their own post op implants as looking like Frankenstein, the square boxiness, and I could see that. Kind of a funny thought.

I am still on all of my medications and as of this point I can't even imagine backing off of them. The pain is still pretty intense and the pressure and tightness is overwhelming at times. The numbness feeling has worn off and I am getting ocassional shooting pains where the incisions are under my breasts and also in the chest between my cleavage. Someone reading this probably thinks, why would you put yourself through all of this pain and torture just for boobs. I believe that the outcome and the feeling and confidence I will regain about myself after a couple of months will definitely outweigh the pain I am having now. The left breast looks so amazing now compared to what it was. You can barely even see the incision from the lumpectomy. Mark had commented as such this morning when we looked at the progress.

I am still sleeping in the recliner with 2 king sized pillows behind me and my feet raised. I have done pretty well getting my sleep through the night. I only wake up twice during the night and it is because I have to go to the bathroom. I am drinking a lot of water throughout the day to stay good and hydrated. Mark helps me out of the chair because I cannot use the lever to lower my feet to be able to stand. He has been truly awesome. I couldn't have done this without him through the cancer and now. Both as a caregiver and an emotional ear. He is super patient with me and has a real willingness to help. That's my man! (big smile) I am a very lucky and a blessed girl. Thank you again Mark. I love you!!

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