Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pre Op appt.

Today I have my pre-op appointment with Dr. Hardy's nurse. We will discuss the meds and herbs I am taking now. Most of those I will have to discontinue taking to have my system clean for anesthesia and for the healing process after the surgery (bleeding and bruising). She will give me the prescriptions that I will need post surgery. I am curious as to what this will be since I am allergic to narcotics. I will also receive a 3 day scrip for something I take prior to surgery. Normally we would try on sizers to decide the size. I have already done this at another consultation I had when screening doctors. I know the size I want and I had already discussed this w Dr. Hardy at our consult. We will go over the procedure and what things I need to prepare before and after surgery. I am having the appointment in Missoula, 2 hours away, so this appointment today will be done by phone. I feel a little disconnected from it all doing it this way but it will save time and gas money.

I will post soon with the results of this appointment.


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