Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oncologist's appt.

I am sorry to keep you all waiting for the results. I have been out and about and not home much.
But all in all I think that it is great news. They were very lengthy appointments. I started at 2:20 and finally got out at 5:10.

Radiation Onclogist-In about 2-4 weeks we will start the radiation process. They wait for my incision to be more healed. It will be 6 weeks, 5 days a week and the session only lasts like 20 minutes. There are rules with it that gross me out but I guess I will deal with those. No shaving that armpit for 6 weeks. I am going to be a sexy french woman. In that amount of time I should be able to braid it. Ha! No deoderant with aluminum chloride. Natural stuff like Tom's or Burt's Bees is okay. No more underwire bras. (that's all of my bras). I have to go out and buy sports bras. Things like that.

Medical Oncologist-He said that because of the size of the tumor, grade, no lymph nodes, things like that I will not have to do chemo therapy. Yeah!! But he does want me to take Tamoxifen.....for 5 years. Whatever!! That is insane. I am going to do some more research on this drug but right now I am leaning toward radiation and be done. It is taken to reduce the chances of the cancer reoccuring. It only reduces the chances by 40%. I have been told my chances right now are 17% and Tamoxifen only lowers that to 11%. To put a drug into my body for 5 years that throws me into mentopause just doesn't sound that healthyy either.

My next apptointments with both of these guys is in 2 weeks. I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Nae Nae - I'm just inserting my opinion - and you know what they say about those - everyone has one. I urge you to really look into the tamoxifen and not rule it out yet. I've been on it for 2-1/2 years and the side effects I've had have been hot flashes (over and beyond the ones caused by going through menopause), thin, brittle nails, and a minor anemia. I know the risk of recurrence reduction doesn't seem that great, but my opinion is that you should do anything you can to reduce your risk by any small percentage you can. You have a very long life to live and don't want to go through this again. So, that's what I have to say, and will say no more on the subject. Whatever you decide, I'm behind you 100%! Love you. J
