Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Second surgery is scheduled

Doctor called today and my second surgery is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:45. They sure got me in quickly. Wow! Not even time to think about it but I guess that is for the best. After discussion with the radiologist they will not be doing the ultrasound beforehand because of all of the inflamation that I have from the first surgery. It would mask any findings. He had put in the stitches marking where he had taken tissue out so he will go with that marker that he made. I will go in and have an IV started, have the anasteshia started and then off to surgery. It will be a lot less labor intensive since we don't have to do the process with the wires or the sentinal node.

I am confused though because on the phone his nurse discussed with me the possibility of chemotherapy. I was under the assumption that we weren't going to have to do that since the sentinal node came back negative and my tumor was receptive to hormones. So I am really wanting to discuss all of this now with the medical oncologist. Hmmmm. So, here goes the waiting game again.

I will let you know how everything comes out tomorrow. Until then.....


1 comment:

  1. Yay for the benign lymph nodes, but the other part totally SUCKS!!! I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this again. Sweet sis, hang in there and all will be well. Thanks for the BD card! Love you bunches, Jeanne
