Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Aug. 12, 2009


I am sitting at my dining room table after coming home from the hospital dying to just get back to normal routine. So, I pull out

fresh asparagus
olive oil
fresh diced garlic
diced onion

throw it in a pan to sautee. If you haven't tried asparagus this way you should. Delicious and crisp. (throw in white wine for better taste) cook on med. for about 6 min.

then I had some cubed turkey, diced italian tomatoes, red wine and rice and put that all together and simmered. Mmmmm. Dinner. Normal.

okay, ultrasound guided biopsy.

Lee and I arrived at 12:30. Went in and Susan started the ultrasoud in the areas that were detected on the MRI. Left is at about 3:30 position and the rt. is under the nipple.
If they didn't find the areas we would not be able to biopsy today and we would have to reschedule for the MRI biopsy. I told her joking (but not) that was not an option.

She found both areas. Left was easy to locate. The right she found the area but it looked like fatty cells. They biopsied it anyway to rule it out. Leave no stone unturned.

The left breast was numbed. He used all of the solution and I still felt him doing it. Ouch!!
It was a long needle that he turned in a corkscrew type of motion up and in getting about 5-8 samples each. The right breast was numbed enough that I didn't feel it. Just a lot of pressure.
Then they placed a titanium clip on both areas so when they do mammograms, or MRI's they will be able to see those areas and watch them. They are never removed.

They offer a 15 minute comlimentary massage which I accepted gratefully. We were finally all done and out the door at 4 pm. Poor Lee having to wait that whole time. Though she was able to sit through the initial ultrasound. I was glad she came along for support.

I will not know the results until friday when I see the Medical oncologist for the meet and greet.
I will update you with those results when I get them. I will try not to make you wait through the weekend. The waiting is the worst part.

Love ya,

1 comment:

  1. Hey that recipe sounds good. I think I will try it.. I don't like mushy asparagus. (BTW I am Michael's wife.)
